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 Challenge # 05 

Theme : 



This challenge has been completed


Explore the results of challenge #05 in the compendium below!

What is it?

The CLIMATE CREATIVES CHALLENGE is a global initiative serving as a catalyst for innovation in climate communication. This international design competition, supports new and novel approaches for communicating the impacts of climate change and the benefits of mitigation, adaptation and resilience. 


The challenges was FREE to enter



*Prizes are in British Pound Sterling (GBP)

1st place     £1,000 


2nd place     £750 


3rd place      £500 


20 x Commendations of £250


Who can enter ?

The challenge was open to people of all disciplines and creative backgrounds including;​


















+ anyone with a creative concept that can help communicate this theme. You didn't not have to be a professional or in a team*



* You could enter as a team if you so wish. There's space in the submission process to input details of all collaborators 

This is a global challenge.

We had entries from 56 countries around the world for the last challenge.


To encourage different types of creative communication, we accepted a broad range of types of entry submission, including;


Poetry & Prose






Entry is now closed.

Results were announced on the 6th September 2024.

The Question_2

Challenge #05

How can we communicate the impacts of HEAT WAVES, and the benefits of adaptation / resilience?


The judges were looking for entrants to;


- Explore ways for communicating the topic that go beyond the traditional bounds / formats in which it's typically represented.


- Share 'place' based narratives that link to / showcase contextual stories and experiences.


- Consider how your entry to the challenge could connect with people and/or organisations that aren’t necessarily aware or engaged with this topic.


- Not just focus on the hazard, but also show actions that can be taken for adaptation and to change the consequences endured.






Specialisms include;

Climatic Architecture

Philippe Rahm is a swiss architect, principal in the office of “Philippe Rahm architectes”, based in Paris, France. His work, which extends the field of architecture from the physiological to the meteorological, has received an international audience in the context of sustainability. He is a tenured associate professor at the National Superior School of Architecture in Versailles, France (ENSA-V). In 2020, he is the curator of the exhibition “Natural History of Architecture” at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal in Paris. “Climatic architecture”, a monographic book is published at Fall 2023.

Climate Adaptation Advisor / Urban Heat

Specialisms include;

Climate risk management, Urban cooling solutions, limate governance

Regina's passion is adapting cities to climate change and rising heat impacts by creating more resilient communities and bringing more nature into urban life. After completing her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Regina worked many years for C40 Cities Climate Leadership, where she managed the Cool Cities Network. She worked with over 30 cities globally on how to map and measure heat vulnerably, how to manage heat emergencies and how to implement long-term urban cooling solutions. She currently works as a climate change advisor for the German Government Development Agency GIZ as well as a freelance consultant with cities on urban heat adaptation.

Assistant Professor at the University of New Haven, USA

Specialisms include;

Environmental Engineering, Sustainable Infrastructure, Urban Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, Geomatics

Nandan has been a professor for five years. He received his PhD from Columbia University, in New York City, and his BE from Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, USA. He has published eight journal articles on the performance of rain gardens, roof gardens, and street trees. He also worked for 11 years as an environmental engineer for the New York City Parks Department on the planning, design, construction, and research of green stormwater infrastructure. He is currently studying how street trees can cool cities, while absorbing water, providing food and habitat for birds and insects, and supporting psycho-social-spiritual well-being. 

City Resilience Manager

Specialisms include;

Climate change adaptation - policy and partnership coordination

Kristen has been Urban Resilience Manager at the Greater London Authority since March 2022. Before that, she worked for more than 15 years coordinating partnerships supporting climate change adaptation, as Manager of the London Climate Change Partnership, Director of Climate South East, and Chair of Climate UK. She loves bringing together people and ideas from across sectors to respond to social and environmental resilience challenges. In particular, she is interested in the social justice issues raised by climate change and the need to incorporate equity in resilience policy and planning. Previously, she worked on human rights, as a Senior Researcher on political rights, civil liberties and press freedom at Freedom House in New York.

Founder & Director of Shade the UK and Love Design Studio

Specialisms include;

Low Carbon Energy Assessor, Low Carbon Consultant, MSc Sustainable Energy Systems, Sustainability Consultancy, Thermal modelling, Daylight & Sunlight Analysis.

Andy has over 13 years of sustainability experience working in the built environment. He founded Love Design Studio a sustainability consultancy that work with teams in the built environment to create sustainable buildings and promote ethical business practices. Andy also founded Shade the UK four years ago to raise awareness about overheating issues, anticipating the next heatwave. Shade the UK now collaborates on adapting the built environment and public areas to protect vulnerable people from a changing climate.

Contemporary Artist
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Specialisms include;

Installation, Photography, Poetry & Sculpture 

Claire Luxton explores the art of self-representation at the junction of theatre, performance, photography, and technology. Most of her projects start with an extensive research period where she looks for literary, artistic, botanical, animalistic and musical references, as well as exploring colour, texture, and objects.

Professor of Environmental Management and Director of the Centre for Water, Communities and Resilience, University of the West of England, Bristol

Specialisms include;

Environmental geography, Water risk management, Community-based research, learning for resilience

Professor Lindsey McEwen is a geographer who researches community water risk management – floods and droughts, water heritage, sustainable catchment management, science communication and learning for sustainability. Over the past 30 years, she has designed and delivered interdisciplinary co-produced research in flood and other risk settings, working with local communities and other stakeholders.  Her recent UKRI- funded projects include ESRC Sustainable Flood Memories, ESRC CASCADE-NET (Increasing Civil Society’s capacity to deal with changing extreme weather risk) and NERC DRY (Drought Risk and You). She recently authored a book entitled “Flood risk and community resilience: an interdisciplinary approach” (Routledge) and led a special edition of the Journal of Extreme Events focused on a community resilience to extreme weather.

Environmental Designer, Author and Artist
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Specialisms include;

Environmental Design, Illustration, Resilient Design, Risk Communication, Filmmaking

Dr Ed Barsley runs ‘The Environmental Design Studio’ (TEDS) an award-winning social venture working on climate change design, research and literacy initiatives. He is fellow of the RSA and has spoken about 'Climate Resilient Design' at Glastonbury and SXSW. Ed co-designed the ‘Flood Resilient Garden’ at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2024. In January 2020, his book ‘Retrofitting for Flood Resilience’ was published by the RIBA and features many of his original artworks illustrating the impacts of climate change of the built and natural environment and benefits of adaptation / resilience. Ed is leading the design of the 'Hydroscape', a large scale living-lab to test and showcase strategies for resilience in the built / natural environment. He led the creation of both the Climate Creatives Challenge and the Hazard + Hope initiative to foster innovation and increase impact in climate change communication.


Looking for inspiration?



Challenge #05 is sponsored by;


Gold Sponsor:


TEDS are an award-winning social venture whose aim is to reduce the exposure and vulnerability of communities and environments to natural / human induced hazards (particularly those resulting from or exacerbated by climate change). Their work in this field is facilitated and undertaken through design, research and training initiatives which highlights the causes/consequences of hazards and showcases strategies for adaptation and resilience to these threats.





Bronze Sponsor:

Shade the UK is all about adapting the built environment and public spaces to protect the vulnerable against a changing climate. Our mission is to ensure that the health and wellbeing of vulnerable people is safeguarded during hot weather with a goal of zero deaths from overheating in the UK. 






Shade the UK seeks to work with all campaigns and organisations that assist the objective of achieving zero deaths from overheating. The shocking statistics around overheating problems from climate change still feel like they don't quite resonate with the public. The messaging is an important factor to consider when creating and implementing adaption methods in order to ensure equity during hot weather and heatwaves. We are still working to find the correct ways to tell the story of climate change so that it strikes a chord; that is why we believed it was necessary to support the Climate Creatives Challenge, which seeks new and engaging ways to communicate the issue, and equally important, the solutions. 


Technical Requirements 

Entrants could only choose one 'type' of format to use (i.e. can't submit a photo, poem and painting) ; 


You must have the appropriate ownership rights and permissions for any content you feature / submit as part of the challenge. 





Poetry & Prose


This could be a sketch, painting, visualisation/render, 

infographic or other type of illustration.

Eligible Approaches

You might have captured a picture that conveys the aim of the challenge

It could be a short film or animation

It may be a song or sound you've written / recorded

It could be a poem or experience you want to share

It may be you've made a sculpture or model


Max. 3 files submitted 

Min. resolution


Min. image dimensions 120 x 120mm 


Max duration 4 minutes

Max track

duration 4 mins

500 word limit

Video ratios:

21:9 / 16:9 / 1:1 / 4:3 / 9:16

File Formats

png, jpeg,

jpg, ai, pdf, 

mov, mp4,

mpeg, avi,


wmv, mp3


pdf, doc,

docx, csv, 

Physical objects will need to be photographed and comply with the requirements for that format.



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