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 Challenge # 04 

Theme : 


This challenge has been completed


Entries for Challenge #04 came in from 56 countries around the world!

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The hard copy edition of the Compendium on

Coastal Change
is out now!

What is it?

The CLIMATE CREATIVES CHALLENGE is a global initiative serving as a catalyst for innovation in climate communication. This international design competition, supports new and novel approaches for communicating the impacts of climate change and the benefits of mitigation, adaptation and resilience. 


The challenges was FREE to enter




*Prizes are in British Pound Sterling (GBP)

1st place     £1,000 


2nd place     £750 


3rd place      £500 


20 x Commendations of £250


Who could enter ?

The challenge was open to people of all disciplines and creative backgrounds including;​


















+ anyone with a creative concept that can help communicate this theme. You did not have to be a professional or in a team.



Who can enter?


To encourage different types of creative communication, we accepted a broad range of types of entry submission, including;


Poetry & Prose






Challenge #04 has been completed.

Winning entries were announced on 2nd February

The Question_2

Challenge #04

How can we communicate the impacts of climate change on coastal zones, and the benefits of adaptation / resilience?


The judges are looking for entrants to;


- Explore ways for communicating the topic that go beyond the traditional bounds / formats in which it's typically represented.


- Share 'place' based narratives that link to / showcase contextual stories and experiences.


- Consider how your entry to the challenge could connect with people and/or organisations that aren’t necessarily aware or engaged with this topic.


- Not just focus on the hazard, but also show actions that can be taken for adaptation and to change the consequences endured.



Aspects of 'Coastal Change' to consider include:

Hurricane Waves



Sandy Beach




 Sea level rise 

People on a Deck



Under the Sea




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Ocean Advocate, Skipper and Founder of eXXpedition

Specialisms include;

Ocean exploration, Plastic pollution,

Architecture, Change-making

Emily Penn is an ocean advocate, skipper and impassioned expert on plastic pollution. For 15 years she’s been at the helm of change: putting the plastics issue on the map, shaping the conversation and catalysing action. She graduated from Cambridge with a degree in Architecture and a job offer in Australia, but, after rounding the globe on the record-breaking biofuelled boat Earthrace, her life changed forever. Emily founded eXXpedition, a series of all-women sailing voyages, on a mission to help people grasp the true challenge of ocean plastic pollution, so they can use their skills to solve it from sea to source. She’s sailed 80,000 miles - from the tropics to the Arctic - leading voyages that have changed science and lives. She’s inspired and worked with everyone from community leaders to CEOs and scientists to heads of state. In 2021 she was awarded the British Empire Medal by the Queen.

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Specialisms include;

Textiles, Crafts, Upcycling

Vanessa Barragão, born in 1992 in the Algarve, Portugal, is an accomplished artist who combines her passion for the environment with textile art. Educated in Fashion Design at ULisboa, she decided to move away from the area right after completing her Master's, determined to pursue a career away from such an environmentally impactful industry. Inspired by her job at an artisanal rug factory, where she saw potential in discarded materials, she applied traditional weaving methods learned from her grandmothers to create her distinctive textile installations. Barragão has since then upcycled more than 15 tonnes of textile discards that she herself collects from Portuguese factories. Her work garners recognition in prestigious publications and museums throughout the world. Committed to positive change, Barragão aims to expand her eco-conscious message and redefine the boundaries of textile art.

Founder and CEO of Henoscene, National Geographic Explorer

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Specialisms include;

Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Social Governance, Impact Campaign Strategy and Communications, Creative Conservationist, Writer, Speaker, Explorer.

Asher Jay, National Geographic explorer turned entrepreneur, founded Henoscene, a community-driven blockchain application that brings accountability and radical transparency to CSR, ESG. and brand purpose. Jay’s work has shaped brand impact strategy, communications, and execution for companies like Beiersdorf, Prada, Adidas, Citizen Watches, Loreal, and others. Jay advises corporations and multinational companies on their sense of purpose which informs the integrity evidenced by their impact projects. Jay also advises family offices on their impact investment strategies and helps evaluate deals, to diversify portfolio commitments.

Emeritus Professor of Coastal Dynamics and Director, Cambridge Coastal Research Unit, University of Cambridge; Editor-in-Chief, Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures; and Registrar, The Robert Cripps Gallery, Magdalene College, Cambridge. Emeritus Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge

Specialisms include;

Bio-physical processes on tropical and temperate coasts; shoreline histories (recent to last 10,000 years); threats to, and management and restoration of, coastal habitats


Tom’s interests and expertise can be described as 'coasts past, present and future, both real and imagined'. He has worked, with communities and institutions, in coral reef and mangrove forest environments in the Caribbean, South Pacific, S.E. Asia and the western Indian Ocean and on saltmarshes and mudflats bordering the North and Baltic Seas. He is author (with HA Viles) of Coastal Problems: Geomorphology, Ecology and Society at the Coast and (with O Slaymaker) Physical Geography and Global Environmental Change. He is editor (with O Slaymaker and C Embleton-Hamann) Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change and (with CA Fletcher) Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and its Lagoon: State of Knowledge.

Professor of Geography (1966) and Head of Discipline, Trinity College Dublin
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Specialisms include;

Coastal Geomorphology, Geography, Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Management, Nature-based coastal protection, Coastal ecosystem services

Iris is an expert on the buffering function of shallow coastal environments with a strongly applied focus on improving coastal flood and erosion risk management, particularly in the context of accelerated sea level rise and climate change. After completing her PhD at the University of Cambridge, Iris spent a short spell outside of academia, working at HR Wallingford Ltd. She joined the University of Cambridge’s Coastal Research Unit as a Research Associate and Deputy Director in 1997. She took up a full-time College Lectureship in Physical Geography at Fitzwilliam College in 2000, and from 2014 to 2019, she held a University Lectureship in Physical Geography (Coastal Processes) at the Department of Geography at Cambridge. She has been leading a number of national and international research consortia on the science to underpin nature-based coastal protection, coastal wetland management, and coastal climate change adaptation.

Senior Research Associate seconded to North Norfolk District Council, University of East Anglia
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Specialisms include;

Adaptation to coastal change, Coastal processes and climate change, Adaptive coastal governance, Coastal resilience

Sophie Day is a specialist in advancing the practice of adaptive coastal governance: how we collectively negotiate environmental, technical, policy, social, and economic challenges for a more resilient and hopeful coastal future. As part of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research since its inception in 2000, she thrives on connecting interdisciplinary, futures thinking across academia and practice at national to local scales. Her first project relating to the issues faced by at-risk communities on the Norfolk coast will always stay with her, and she has felt compelled to continue working in this arena ever since.

Director and Presenter at Incredible Oceans CIC
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Specialisms include;

Plankton dynamics, Ocean processes, Science communication

Having spent time as an artist punk guitarist and a science teacher, the ocean has always called to Russell. Having completed his studies at the National Oceanography Centre, Russell went on to work as a commercial oceanographer for a number of years. In 2016, he formed Incredible Oceans CIC with the mission to educate as many people as possible about the importance of our ocean. Alongside this, Russell undertook a PhD at the University of Bath where he studied how climate change could affect plankton populations.

Filmmaker & Ocean Conservationist
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Specialisms include;

Filmmaking, Digital Media, Science Communication, Ocean Conservation, Marine Biology, Photography, Ocean Literacy / outreach

Inka Cresswell is a B.Sc Marine Biologist and Wildlife filmmaker. Through her work she’s explored every type of ocean ecosystem from the deep sea to local kelp forests and the Open Ocean. Documenting a wide range of subjects including shark tagging, coral reef restoration and new animal behaviour. Inka mainly works on high end blue chip wildlife programmes collaborating with leading scientists to bring ocean stories to a global audience but also is actively involved with several marine charities to make ocean education more accessible. As an ambassador for the Marine Conservation Society and ocean advocate she has delivered keynotes and participated in panel discussions at prestigious events such as Ultramarine, Sea7, Wildscreen, Jackson Wild, and the Blue Earth Summit. In addition, she has contributed chapters to three books and continuously seeks new ways to communicate ocean science effectively.

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Environmental Designer, Author and Artist
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Specialisms include;

Environmental Design, Illustration, Resilient Design, Risk Communication, Filmmaking

Dr Ed Barsley runs ‘The Environmental Design Studio’ (TEDS) an award-winning social venture working on climate change design, research and literacy initiatives. In January 2020, his book ‘Retrofitting for Flood Resilience’ was published by the RIBA and features many of his original artworks illustrating the impacts of climate change of the built and natural environment and benefits of adaptation / resilience. He is fellow of the RSA, spoke about 'Climate Resilient Design' at Glastonbury in 2022 and is leading the design of the 'Hydroscape', a large scale living-lab to test and showcase strategies for resilience in the built / natural environment. He led the creation of both the Climate Creatives Challenge and the Hazard + Hope initiative to foster innovation and increase impact in climate change communication. Ed ran the Shifting Shorelines research study and co-designed the ‘Flood Resilient Garden’ at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024.

Portfolio Holder for Coast, North Norfolk District Council, Chair of the Norfolk Coastal Forum, Outside Body representative on the Broads Authority National Park, Chair of Planning, Chair of Heritage Asset Working Group, Member of the Chairs Group, The Board, Navigation Committee, in turn, BA Representative on the Broads Local Access Forum, and Upper Thurne Working Group.  Vice Chair of the Norfolk Coastal Partnership (AONB) member of the Wash& North Norfolk Maritime Partnership. Member of the Broadland Futures Initiative. Member of the Broads Internal Drainage Board and the Norfolk Rivers Drainage Board.
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Specialisms include;

Tourism, Leisure Management, Coastal Entertainment Management, Sailing, Local Government, Further Education, Apprentiships.


During the devastating storm surge of 1953 Harry was a babe in arms as his mother watched the tide flood in across the marshes towards their home. Growing up, he played on the beach as a major sea wall was built to protect against such risks in the future. His career in leisure and tourism industry saw him manage seaside piers, holiday parks and entertainment centres by the coasts of England, Wales and Normandy. His pastime involves sailing his old boat around the east coast and estuaries of England. He now represents a low-lying coastal area vulnerable to flooding and provides leadership for coastal erosion matters in the Council.


Coastal Change Manager, East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Specialisms include;

Coastal Management Policy, Coastal Adaptation and Resilience, Community Engagement, Environmental Management

Richard has been working directly with communities in the East Riding of Yorkshire for over 10 years, supporting residents and businesses to adapt to the challenge of living on the fastest eroding coast in northwest Europe.  Richard also has significant experience of developing coastal management policy including Shoreline Management Plans and Local Plans. With previous experience of working across environmental management, biodiversity and climate change, Richard is currently managing the Changing Coasts East Riding project, part of the Government’s Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme, as well as continuing to work at a national level to promote the need for adaptation.



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Gold sponsors for Challenge #04;

Coastwise is co-creating coastal transition plans and delivering practical projects to help future preparedness of North Norfolk communities facing coastal erosion.  This will develop adaptive approaches and learning that is transferable elsewhere and provide options and evidence to shape future government policy. Working with communities, businesses and government we are exploring innovative ways in which coastal places can plan and act to transition from coastal erosion risk to ensure a vibrant and positive future. Coastwise is a £15 million initiative delivered by North Norfolk District Council, funded by the Environment Agency and Defra Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme.

The Changing Coasts East Riding project is part of the Government’s Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme. Delivered by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, in partnership with the Environment Agency, it aims to create a long-term, sustainable approach to managing a rapidly changing coastline. It will explore, develop and implement a range of approaches to support communities impacted by coastal erosion now and in the future. CCER provides a unique opportunity to understand and plan for the long-term needs of coastal places to ensure the East Riding and beyond can continue to thrive in the face of climate enhanced coastal change.

TEDS are an award-winning social venture whose aim is to reduce the exposure and vulnerability of communities and environments to natural / human induced hazards (particularly those resulting from or exacerbated by climate change).


Their work in this field is facilitated and undertaken through design, research and training initiatives which highlights the causes/consequences of hazards and showcases strategies for adaptation and resilience to these threats.




Bronze sponsors for Challenge #04;


Technical Requirements 

Entrants can only choose one 'type' of format to use (i.e. can't submit a photo, poem and painting) ; 


You must have the appropriate ownership rights and permissions for any content you feature / submit as part of the challenge. 





Poetry & Prose


This could be a sketch, painting, visualisation/render, 

infographic or other type of illustration.

Eligible Approaches

You might have captured a picture that conveys the aim of the challenge

It could be a short film or animation

It may be a song or sound you've written / recorded

It could be a poem or experience you want to share

It may be you've made a sculpture or model


Max. 3 files submitted 

Min. resolution


Min. image dimensions 120 x 120mm 


Max duration 4 minutes

Max track

duration 4 mins

500 word limit

Video ratios:

21:9 / 16:9 / 1:1 / 4:3 / 9:16

File Formats

png, jpeg,

jpg, ai, pdf, 

mov, mp4,

mpeg, avi,


wmv, mp3


pdf, doc,

docx, csv, 

Physical objects will need to be photographed and comply with the requirements for that format.




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